In this picture you see organic waste from your kitchen at the top, and compost from our Sufuria Kit at the bottom.
To get this nutrient rich compost, you only need to keep mixing the chopped organic waste collected in your kitchen with a handful of coco coir. If you are brave enough, you can add a handful of worms to expedit the process. From then onwards, you just need to keep adjusting the moisture.
If you are not a dudu fan, do not worry, you can still compost 60% (in weight) your organic waste, in less than two months without the worms. After two months, you just need to sieve the mixture and put it to your plants or garden. There might be some bigger chunks of unprocessed food that you should just keep a little longer in the kit for further composting.
Every kit comes with an easy pamphlet explaining step by step how to get the best compost out of your waste !!